Extended Provision
Forest Skies are able to offer children extended educational opportunities before and after the normal school day.
Woodlands Infant and Nursery Breakfast club runs from 7.45 am and this is lead by Mrs Beeston who works in school so is familiar with the children from Nursery to year two. The children at 8.45 are taken to their classrooms ready for the school day to start.
Breakfast is served from 7.45 until 8.10. There is a varied menu that changes each day of the week. Following breakfast the children have access to a variety of games and resources within the provision.
Breakfast club can be booked via parentmail for the days that you would like and it is charged at £3.00 a day. If you would like any further information please contact us on 01522 683557
The federation runs the Treehouse After School club at Birchwood Junior School.
This runs from the end of school to 5.20pm. Children from Woodlands Infant and Nursery school and The Lancaster school are walked to Treehouse After School Club by a familiar known adult. Children are given time to relax after the school day and enjoy a healthy snack provided. They then participate in a variety of activities from arts and crafts to sporty fun and play outside. The after-school club should be booked in advance through the school office on 01522 800971 or enquiries@birchwood.lincs.sch.uk. We charge £3.00 for an hour or £5.00 for the full two hours.